OpenPlant Modeler Help

To Add Table Sections

  1. Open Table Section Manager.
  2. Choose a section catalog from the Standards drop down. Selecting a section catalog refreshes the other Section Catalog settings.
  3. Choose a catalog revision number from the Revisions drop down.
  4. Choose a manufacturer (if available) from the Manufacturers drop down.

    Choose GENERIC.

  5. Press Query to apply the section catalog selections to the Sections list. Refreshes the Section Type setting and Sections list based on the selections made so far.
  6. Choose a section type from the Section Type drop down. Refreshes the Sections list with the selected section sub types.
  7. Double click a section from the Sections list. The section is added to the Available Sections tree.
Sections added here are copied from the Structural Property Catalog to the active dgn.